What is the best way to start blogging?which site should i use?

 The best way is to start asking three prime questions before you even get started :

1.Why must i blog? 

2.Is there another way for me to spread my, words, thought, etc? 

3.who is my target audience? 

The first question is the most important and the most telling for your own purposes. Blogging is writing, and writing is hard and thirsty work. if you're not reasonably good in the writing department , blogging soon become a chore. 

Blogging is an unpaid job type of job, if you get my meaning. you only get into it. if you like to write and are pretty good at it. of course writing ability will improve over time but you still have to start off at a reasonably good level. 

The second one can be reset as if i can't write, what else is out there for me . This is the 21st century, and you have the other services like youtube, twitter etc. if you could do it as a podcast, then do that if you're not into writing. Depending on which figures we believe in there are something like 988 million websites out there, out of which 50 to 100 million are blogs. In recent news i watched that 99% of blogs are non hits and never have more than 100 followers. You get the general idea now. 

The question is perhaps the hardest for any beginner, knowing your own general , editorial theme defines your target audience. yet having a reasonably good idea of your target audience also defines your overall editorial theme too.

Lots of blogger sink straight into blogging  without first spending even a few minutes to consider those three prime questions. Result? i'll read in magazine that most blogs  last for just 3 months before being abounded. Lots stay on online with absolutely no updates for years (which pretty much means abounded in the practical sense) 


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